
We are proud to deliver nationwide, as far as Dimona in the south.

  1. How the delivery process works:
    1. Select the desired packaging from the catalog available on the site.
    2. To check prices, access the store price lists – click here to go to the price lists.
    3. Call the store at 03-9635410 to place your order. Don’t forget to ask about our current promotional sales.
    4. Pay by credit card.
    5. Your delivery is on its way.
  2. Free delivery with orders of NIS 1,200 or more.
  3. Deliveries for orders under NIS 1,200 are not free. The cost is calculated according to the customer’s location. For more information, call the store at 03-9635410.
  4. Minimum order for deliveries is NIS 500; i.e. there are no deliveries for less than this amount.
  5. Your delivery will arrive within two business days.
  6. You can also place your delivery orders by WhatsApp, at 053-2848216.

Please note that packaging at the store is sold in a number of ways and that the price depends on the quantity purchased – a larger quantity makes a lower price possible.

  1. Unit quantity/20 units – according to the type of packaging.
  2. Single carton or number of cartons – see our site catalog for the number of items in a given carton.
  3. Pallet with 18 cartons (a pallet may be ordered with various types of packaging assembled on it).

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